20? It's still19!

Assalamualaikum ;D Yay! From now on, I'm officially 20!


Too sad..I'm not at teen age anymore. I just too sad but I can't say that I am young anymore. Tapi jiwa masih muda :p Should I say that I'm not matured enuff? I hve been trying to make an matured image in front of public but I got no confidence, I feel like people laughing at me and saying I just should keep being childish and look silly -,-' As I hve grown up by 1 year, more problems and more things akan muncul and need to think carefully! Sejak umur menginjak ke angka 2 di hadapan , I feel more responsibility towards my friends and sibling. So, I got a lot of wishes and pray from friends on facebook and also via phone. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it :) and oh, I just feel touched with this 3 of my best friends wishes, so many advice and support! How i wish i can hugs you guys tightly! c': I love you!

I just hope that everything's running perfectly from now on. I hope I'll know how to put something on its exact place, even my feeling. I hope I'll get what I deserve. I hope I'll go abroad to Korea as soon as possible. I hope I can get in good university! I hope I can be a better muslim in every ways. I hope I can make my parents point their hands to me and say "Yeah, she's my daughter and I'm proud having a daughter like her." Amin. InsyAllah.


...hi.perfect rabbit teeth with beach scenery at behind on my birthday today!

p/s: I wish my father is at home so i could get a big cake! But he is outstation at johor T-T

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