#わたし の ともだち が だいすき です!


How ya your great monday? Its suck? Ya, I know school start today and holiday is OVER. But I start it yesterday.I didn't go to school today because I hv a stomah ache. Oh, sh*t I got it from food that I ate, its to spicy I think and I almost faint at 3 AM. Can you imagine that. So hurt!

Anyway, did you remember about 18 potrait that I need to draw. You know what? I hate it when I think of something nice in my mind and I planned it out and how to draw it and everything, but when I actually draw it, it looks like crap. Baby look likes an old guy, whathefish =="

This morning was suck but its raining. I like the feeling you get when you’re staring out your window when it’s raining. It feels even better when you have some nice, soft music playing. I don’t really know how to explain it, but it kind of makes your mind flashback to some good memories you made with some close friends or someone special. I love that feeling.

 “In order to be strong and to find what truly belongs to you, there will be a process you must overcome.”

“In order to be strong and to find what truly belongs to you, there will be a process you must overcome.”

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